Hello, the ghost in this chair is me, says I
I love to share voice, but just to the sky
Heart of crimson like a rose, soul tinted like the sea
You said hi, I may have froze, please excuse the discourtesy
As you see, I am a ghost, I have no use for greeting
My heart departed for the dark long before our meeting
If you ask me how it left, I could not say
Old tales told before the wake only bring dismay
That one time, or rather the other, I could not be certain
But it is once rung, the bell has sung, thus shuts the curtain
I am a ghost, but yet I am warm, I offer you no fear
I may cry at our goodbye, but I promise you no tear
I am a ghost, and the life after next gives you time to think
I have the guile to make you smile, but I’ll vanish if you blink
For you see, I am a ghost, with many a things to do
I have no time for all the grime, no curse, no thief, or flu
I am a ghost, but I am busy, bare with me if you please
My soul has weight but all it takes to bruise is a breeze
But I am not hollow, I harrow, I grieve, I trigger, I glee
I cower in detest, and ponder your neglects, and fade in your… oh wait, now I see
It's not about the silent shouts or the way I came to be
It all makes sense, because I’m a ghost, you always saw right through me